Independent Publishing for Independent Minds

Welcome to Family Psychological Press. We began at the dawn of the digital publishing revolution in 2011 publishing Dear Dr. Wes: Real Life Advice for Teens and Dear Dr. Wes: Real Life Advice for Parents of Teens. Both books were well received and reviewed Those first books came out in paperback and on Kindle. Our first commercial success came in 2014 with publication of I Always Want to Be Where I'm Not: Successful Living with ADD and ADHD which came out in paperback, hardcover library binding, Kindle, and on It road along in the top twenty books on Amazon on Attention Deficit Disorder for much of that year and into 2015. Look for a new edition next year! You can buy a copy on our Order page

In 2019, Dr. Wes Crenshaw and Dr. Kelsey Daugherty began working on the follow up to I Always Want to Be Where I'm Not in the form of a book on medication management called ADD and Zombies: Successful Living with ADD and ADHD due out June 1, 2020. Learn more on our New Books page. The book will be released in paperback, in a library binding available through Ingram, on Kindle, and on

Also due out in June, is a children's book by Jordan Mayfield LSCSW titled I Have Feelings and That's Okay designed to help children accept their emotions and find coping strategies even when things feel hard. The book will be released in paperback and as an ebook and also in library binding. You can find out more on our New Books Page

